您的位置: 首页 - 喜洋洋双语幼儿园 - 喜洋洋双语幼儿园收费标准 | ||||||||||||||||
喜洋洋双语幼儿园收费标准 | ||||||||||||||||
Fee Schedule The Top Mandarin Daycare Centre has signed the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) agreement and is pleased to offer fee reductions as part of the agreement to families in Top Mandarin Daycare Centre. Base fees are reduced upon registration by 25% September to December 2022 and 52.75% as of January 2023.
*Payment will be accepted by EMT (email money transfer), cash or cheque between the 15th and 25th of each month. *The centre closes at 6:30pm; a fee of $1.00/minute will be charged if a child is late. | ||||||||||||||||